Nuspay MFI Ecosystem- Creating New opportunities for SME Business

Nuspay with its state of the art technology ecosystem is here to revolutionize the microfinance ecosystem. Gone are the days of turmoil, when SME & independent entrepreneurs had to go through the unpleasant procedures to finance their business. Nuspay as the renowned Digital Payment Service Provider in USA faciliates MFI ecosystem that eases the up-and-coming SME entrepreneurs and independent business individuals to its ecosystem with easy financing opportunities and automated repayment systems.
Soar to New Heights
The MFI ecosystem caters to a lot of sectors. One of the major one is the agricultural sector. It can reap all the features of the Nuspay MFI ecosystem, because it is that easy. Nuspay™ MFI specially caters to the needs of the agronomists by micro financing institutions with the digital payment platform. Agronomists can procure materials that are required from the funding agencies without worrying about the authenticity of the agencies, as all the entrants will be pre-verified by our compliance monitoring system. The wonders of this ecosystem even extends to auto repayment of the loans that were taken. When the agronomist decides to sell the produce, they can use the system to bypass local middlemen and sell directly to the ultimate consumers. This ensures fair pricing for all the involved parties. This is how the system can very intelligently subtract a certain portion of the payments to repay the loan, reducing the inconveniences of both the lenders and borrowers.
Nuspay MFI enables massive amounts of features that includes payment tracing, secure low cost ledgers including a massive amount of user data, a trustworthy system which eradicates the need of third party intermediaries. The Universal ledger that is used in the Nuspay™ ecosystem, is also being used as a credit reporting system. The system not only connects a specific borrower to a specific lender, it connects all of the funding agents and borrowing agents together.
At Nuspay we have built a marketplace for p2p payments, micro-financing through digitized loans and lastly, crowdfunding through digitized tokens throughVirtal Account Payment Technology. Any registered user can access all these amenities with no added costs.
Startups can now easily focus on creating and producing in their respective sectors without the hassle of strenuous paperworks. This will bring a paradigm shift in the startup sector, as most of the startups struggle on the funding for most parts.
Nuspay used its all encompassing Digital Payment Platform and the latest secure payments solution to combine and offer complete overhaul and the management of half a million captive beneficiaries to migrate to an intelligent card based system whereby the MFIs’ entire disbursement to collections and deposits are being done in real time basis with such urban features as SMS and voice confirmation of transactions for the community. The members are gradually migrating to an intra-group money transfers, marketplace participation as the modules take root and the community gets attuned to the best in class payment infrastructure in the deep interiors where network connectivity, regular power supply as also access to banks, are a challenge.
Looking at this huge opportunity, many banks have evinced keen interest in joining the initiative as a probable stake-holder which will open up another regular banking channel to the community. Currently beneficiaries are transacting in the closed-user group for better and graduated adaptability to the rest of the community which is around 30 million. The 5 months long testing in the community has received very encouraging response and soon they are going to be a part of an unfolding history on Nuspay’s latest disruptive NFC based card system for this segment.
Creating a Better Tomorrow
Nuspay MFI ecosystem answers a lot of questions about the future of digitizing microfinancing institutions with the help of the digital payment platform. . Localized MFI organizations often fail to create a humane environment for all the involved parties and Nuspay™ seeks to provide that by integrating all the localized MFI organizations into the same platform. Where other platforms failed to gather the sufficient capital and customer base, at Nuspay™ we have integrated all the local microfinancing agencies and the users so that we can pull bases from all the sources. This is providing an all in all alliance as dispute is reconciled by the system automatically. Adoption of the Nuspay MFI ecosystem will also positively disrupt the future SME (Small and Medium Enterprise). Easy funding through digitized platforms will negate the need of funding from biased corporations. The ecosystem also provides insurance to all the stakeholders in case of any form of irregularities in the payment or repayment structure of the system. The risk of what ifs are a thing of the past with this platform in place. All in all this is not just a revolutionary ecosystem for the newcomers, it is also a platform for the old medium to seamlessly integrate into a new ecosystem for a better reach.